How to Find + Manage Invoices and Subscriptions in Your AdvicePay Account
In this article:
Your client account is free of charge! If you decide to register your account, you'll have full access to manage your billing and settings, the only information required is to establish a password. When registering, we'll never ask you for any personally identifying information.
Your advisor can send you an invitation link, or after paying without logging in, there is the option to create an account on the thank you screen.
To register right away, please use your AdvicePay email address and set up a password using this password reset link .
First, log into your AdvicePay client payment portal and your Dashboard at to access all the important information related to your payments and contracts!
On the Dashboard we'll show you the:
- Unpaid one-time invoices
- Inactive subscriptions that need your authorization/payment
- Failed invoices
- Actively billing subscriptions
- Contracts needing your signature
Navigating from an Email, logging in, and how to Request a Password Reset Email
Once you click on the link from an invoice in your email, click on Sign In ( see where in the image below on left) to get to the screen to enter your username and password.
*(If you need to reset your password, please click sign in and then click on forgot password and enter your email on the next screen. )
Once you click sign in, use your email address that is in AdvicePay to log in on the screen below. This is also where you can reset your password using the forgot password link in blue near the bottom.
On the main Dashboard, all unpaid invoices or subscriptions should be there. If they are not on the Dashboard, please look in their corresponding locations found for each as outlined below.
To see a full history of your one-time invoices (not attached to subscriptions), you can follow the links on your dashboard or navigate to Transactions > Invoices in your sidebar.
From there you can click View Details on any invoice to see more information:
- Acceptable payment types
- If there is an approval on a fee increase it will show here.
- You can also download the invoice PDF or associated contract
To see a full history of your subscriptions and any associated upfront invoices, you can follow the links on your dashboard or navigate to Transactions > Subscriptions in your sidebar.
From there you can click View Details to see:
- Information about the subscription
- Acceptable payment types
- Approval requests
In addition, you can download all invoices for that subscription located under Payment History. You can also see the accepted payment types, or cancel the subscription.
What if I paid via Check or outside of AdvicePay with my Advisor
If you pay your Advisor with a physical check or a payment outside of AdvicePay, no further action is needed inside your AdvicePay account.
Some firms may have a setting that allows them to send a courtesy notification email when an invoice is paid via a method outside of AdvicePay stating "New Invoice from [Firm Name]: "No Action Needed" in the email subject line. You can still view the invoice with the " View your Invoice" blue button in the email. This will take you to a screen with the inability to pay the invoice and may provide check instructions if submitted via check. That said, no further action is needed.
*Please note that all firms are different so this might not apply or show the same to you as a client.
Helpful Tip: On both courtesy notification emails, the invoice for one-time invoices is linked at the bottom left of the email in pdf form for simple download and viewing.
Where to log into AdvicePay?
If you are running into the screen below, please click on Sign in, then on the next screen, please use your email (username) and your password to login thereafter: